(503) 236-7003
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Transform Your Space with Painting and Restoration Experts

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Portland Painting and Restoration is one of Portland and Vancouver’s premier repair, light remodel, and finish contractors.

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02/ About Us

Reviving Homes, Restoring Trust

Portland Painting and Restoration is one of Portland and Vancouver’s premier repair, light remodel, and finish contractors. Our team of professional Carpenters and Painters, along with dedicated Estimators, Project Managers, and Office Staff, work together to deliver top-tier results with a focus on client satisfaction and quality workmanship. We specialize in providing thoughtful, era-appropriate solutions that enhance and protect your property, whether through carpentry repairs, remodeling, cabinet modifications, or painting services.

About Us

15+ Years

Serving the Portland Area with quality restoration since 2009.

62 Reviews

Google Rated 4.9 Stars by our satisfied customers.

300+ Projects

Completed Renovations that transform homes and businesses.

03/ Our Services

Our various services are provided for you


Servicing the greater Portland, OR metro area, we offer both Interior and exterior repaints as well as chronic failure solutions like lead paint removal of old failing substrates and carpentry repairs, of which ensures a sound substrate on historic homes to preserve them for another 100 years to come.

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